Management Team - Menjong Foundation

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Founder and Executive Director
Khenpo Phub Yeshi
+975 77367565

Program Officer
Ms. Pema Yangzom

Accounts Officer
Norbu Zangmo

Field Officer
Ms. Yeshi Wangmo
Volunteers and Members
Our main focus is to provide expertise coming from Abroad and from within the country and to provide resources to the most vulnerable people living in the remote areas of Bhutan.
Volunteerism is the key factor to bring huge impact and success especially within the community services.  We work very closely with various Heads of the schools and local village leaders and other relevant stake holders to carry on the various projects that we are currently involved with.

Our Supporters             

Ms. Sonja G. Tschorr
Ms. Carmen Kaiser
Ms. Monika Kühn
Ms. Ulla Hemmis
Ms. Birte Pape
Ms. Inge Boning
Ms. Lena Reichelt

                                                                   from left: C.Kaiser, S.Grotelüschen-Tschorr,Khenpo Phub Yeshi,                                                                                    T.Kaiser, A.Kruse-Wichering
From the folded hands of the Medicine Buddha, rays of wisdom light shines in all direction to the people who are in need. The healing plant that grows between the half open folded hands like the lotus blossoming represents the compassion of the Medicine Buddha that is spread to the entire region of Bhutan; which is also filled with Medicine Plants.

The colors of the hands of the Medicine Buddha are yellow and orange symbolizing the wisdom and compassion of the healing Buddha and meant for the Bhutanese people, through which their spiritual and material thirst will be quenched under the grace and blessings of the Sangay Menlha, the Enlightened Buddha.
Contact Info
Menjong Foundation
Bapa Samling
PO Box: 445
Thimphu, Bhutan
Phone: +975-77128816
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